24-7 Prayer and Prayer Spaces in Schools Workshop
10th September 2011 — 10:00am – 4:30pm
Who is it for? Anyone
Morning session (10.00am – 12.30pm):
“Hosting 24-7 Prayer Rooms” (The ‘how?’, ‘what?’ and ‘why?’ of 24-7 Prayer rooms, with practical workshops, discussion, Q&A, etc.)
Lunch (12.30pm – 2.00pm) (bring your own lunch – tea and coffee provided)
Afternoon (2.00pm – 4.30pm):
“Prayer Spaces in Schools” (The ‘how?’, ‘what?’ and ‘why?’ of Prayer Spaces in Schools, with practical tips, discussion around the educational links, Q&A, and the opportunity to explore some prayer stations, etc.)
You are invited to attend, a) both sessions, b) morning and lunch or c) lunch and afternoon – the choice is yours.