One Heart One Voice – Firestarters
Saturday 1st Octoberat Bearsden Baptist Church 7.30pm called ‘One Heart One Voice’
We are excited to have Howard Espie joining us and we will worship together and have some fun presentations from the young people. We realise that there are easily 50+ churches who have had connection with FireStarters over the years and hundreds of young people have been a part of the journey. We would love you all to come and celebrate with us. Please put it in the diary.
Please also pray for us as we embark on another year. The challenges are getting tougher for our young people but the promises in God are immense! We pray they will be all that God has created them to be and that starts now!
So do come and join us and invite all your friends. It’s going to be a fabulous evening together.
We are getting geared up for our new season and expecting lots of new faces which is exciting. If you know of any young people who you feel would enjoy FireStarters please ask them to get in touch and apply. The downloadable application forms are on the website
FireStarters (UK) Ltd
0844 504 3473