Pray For Scotland

Editorial – Story from Printed Newsletter Spring 2012

In the book Just Politics, published in 2010, David Cameron states ‘a stronger society cannot be “magicked” into being … through a government programme. It comes first through empowering and enabling individuals, families and communities to take control of their own lives, and second by recognising we all have shared responsibility for our neighbours, our country, our planet.’

While government has an important role to play in bringing about change in society, so do we all, and churches have a proud history of involvement in schools, hospices, and other community organisations. Today as I travel around the country I am amazed by the breadth and depth of the churches’ engagement in society – encouraging and inspiring evidence that the church is fulfilling her role as a ‘catalyst’ in the community, and that politicians recognise the work done by churches. This newsletter describes just a few such initiatives.
Jean Black
Director, Pray for Scotland

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