Pray For Scotland

Prophetic Summary from the St Andrew's National Day of Prayer 2012.

Prophetic Summary of Prophetic Words submitted on 30th November 2012
at Leaders Prayer Gathering in Edinburgh. Summary prepared by Stephen & Angela Boler

The summary below was made from about 21 different prophetic words submitted during the prayer day 30.11.12. So please note this is a prophetic summary of many propheticwords and so should be spoken of as a summary not a prophetic word. It should not be quoted in part but as a whole.

As we are waiting on the Lord in Intimacy, God comes as the King of Glory, the Lord of Hosts, Mighty In Battle. As God shows us His glory He asks us to steward this and share His Glory with others, not keeping it to ourselves, but sharing His glory.

In intimacy He also comes to bring ‘conception’ and then fruitfulness and multiplication. A new thing is beginning, the hand of God is moving. There is an immanence to the harvest. The harvest will be fast; there will be a need to continue to pray and take hold of the open heaven; the harvest will be much work. The Lord is coming to work a heart exchange in preparation; a work of ‘heart  transplant’. As we yield to and understand this heart work/heart exchange we will then be able to help others to experience this work of transformation which comes through exchange and revelation of the finished work of Calvary.

The Sword of the Spirit, the word of God, to reveal the thoughts and intents of  the heart (Heb.4:12) is being released into the midst or very heart of the land. The Joel process of repentance/solemn assembly/holy fast will therefore continue and deepen, leading us into a genuine desire for a change of heart.

The Lord’s revelation of specific idols in each heart will be different and specific for each person. There will come a revelation of and humble reliance on the finished work of Christ as our only answer. There will be a building again of the ‘walls of Salvation’ – there will be a clear proclamation of the gospel message so that people can run into the protection/salvation of the Lord.  The Lord wants to encourage His leaders. He comes to give grace, joy and refreshing and strength and the promise of much fruit from their leadership.

God sees His church as one, and deals with His church as one – so these works of the Lord in and through His church will be seen across the church spectrum. There will be a coming together of the church in many different ways: to form a prayer shield; to march forward as the army of the Lord; to release the glory of the Lord; to speak His word with power; to be vessels through whom the Kingdom of God can come and be manifest.

Part of the destiny of Scotland is as a Lion who is about to roar again and will be heard in the nations. He is giving a lion’s heart of boldness to many in the nation. (Prov.28:1). Also part Scotland’s destiny is like the eagle with a strong ability to see and move in and with the Spirit of God; to see what He is doing and move in step with Him for His glory in and through the nation.

Prayer points arising from the prophetic summary:  Pray for:

  • Expectancy and faith to arise that God is answering our prayers
  • ‘Create in me a new heart ’
  • Revelation of the ‘exchange’ – the process of exchanging our sinful nature and weakness for Christ’s perfect nature (2 Cor. 5:21), by faith in His finished work.
  • Willingness and motivation to believe for and engage in the harvest.
  • That the whole living church will be stirred to seek God for His purposes and destiny for the nation, at this critical time.

B. Angela & Stephen’s Comments concerning a prophetic summary – how it is made and how it is to be used.

In making a summary there has to be interpretation of the prophetic words submitted and the picture language contained within them must also be interpreted. The words are interpreted in the light of what the Lord is saying overall through His mature prophetic people. A prophetic summary is not a prophecy but a distillation, interpretation and summarization of what was being given prophetically to people on the day.

We could have given greater interpretation to quite a few of the points in the summary as many of the mature prophetic people have been speaking into some of these areas for a number of years. For example: the prophetic destiny of Scotland,  the Lion’s roar, the harvest, heart exchange, the Joel process, intimacy with the Bridegroom etc. etc. To have given too much interpretation would have made the summary too long at this point. We recommend the use of the prophetic summary for prayer and have therefore given some example prayer points arising from it.

To download this document as a PDF: Prophetic Summary from November 30th 2012 Leaders Prayer Day

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