After a period of ill health Ruth Kirkland, Pray for Scotland core team member, died peacefully on Saturday 14th January at St Columba’s Hospice.
On behalf of Pray for Scotland I would like to give thanks for Ruth’s contribution to the work of promoting prayer in our nation.The first time I met Ruth was at Inchyra
Grange Hotel when she was invited along to be have a meal with us to see if she would consider joining the PfS core team. Over dinner Ruth shared her testimony and her passion for Jesus. Her experience of prayer was evident, encouraging and exciting. Ruth was a great asset to the core team taking on various roles as her health allowed.
She would represent PfS at various events, do a bit of admin
when needed and keep the team informed of any prayer news that was strategic. She helped design and deliver Lighthouses of Prayer workshops, and contributed at core team meetings.
Ruth was a valued and respected member of the team. When praying about what to share concerning such a mighty woman of God the words of a song by Stuart Townend came to mind.
In Christ Alone Ruth’s hope was found He was her light, her strength, her song; He was her cornerstone, He was her solid ground, Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
She knew His heights of love, and His depths of peace, Her fears were stilled, and her striving ceased.
He was her comforter, her all in all. She had no guilt in life, and no fear in death, That was the power of Christ in her.From her first cry to her final breath Jesus commanded her destiny. No power of hell, and no scheme of man Could ever pluck her from His hand. He took her home because in the power of Christ she stood.
By Margo Cunningham