Pray For Scotland

COP26 – E-News

“For the Lord is good and His love endures for ever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”  [Psalm 100:5]
COP26 is finished.  Our official observer in the Blue Zone was able to report throughout Saturday afternoon on the mood and dynamics of a dramatic few hours, comparing it to watching a tense tennis match! 
God showed us the need for a canopy of praise to glorify Him and exclude the darkness.  Hours of praise in many locations did affect the atmosphere in the city.  Praise God – and thank you for joining in.
Glasgow herself has had a fantastic atmosphere.  As UN climate Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa said: ‘The people here are so nice, they have truly warmed our hearts’.  
The Police have also regularly praised the city and her people.  Only one arrest in both marches, despite around 100,000 protesters involved, is a miracle in itself.  There have been no major violence or terrorist attacks, in Glasgow or elsewhere in the UK.  Our observer chatted to a South Korean representative: “Glasgow people are very friendly, always helpful” he said – indeed everyone we have spoken to has commented on the friendliness of Glaswegians. 
Much of our prayer has been for the things unseen – both behind the scenes in negotiations and fundamentally in the spiritual realm.  God emphasised His desire to raise up the humble and frustrate the proud, and we kept returning to this theme throughout the fortnight.  We trust there have been many conversations that have kept ungodly plans out and that good relationships have been formed during this time.  Voices which are often marginalised were given more prominence – some very passionate and compelling speeches were made in the main sessions by poorer countries who report experiencing extreme weather far more than in their past. 
We tended not to pray about specific policies in the negotiations, more about the process.  The outcome, the Glasgow Climate Pact, ended with some notable pioneering agreements between the nations of God’s earth.  It will be remembered for several things for generations to come. 
Throughout the 2 weeks, God arranged many specific conversations.  Our outreach teams met people from 104 nations of the world, four people invited Jesus to be part of their lives, and many more are further along in that journey. Our young people have grown in their understanding and ability in evangelism and intercession, with several saying it was the first time they had fun in intercession and want to grow further. 

It has been a privilege to have an official observer in the Blue Zone both weeks and many intercessors far and wide partnering together.  We praise the Lord for positioning us all at our posts in this time.  We have loved and learned a lot and sense that He would employ us again in future COPs. 

It has been a wonderful experience for YWAM, World Prayer Centre and Pray for Scotland to partner together in this prayer shield.  If you would like to stay informed of YWAM’s involvement in future COPs, please sign up at
A footnote from Pray for Scotland:  We are so very grateful to God for linking us with YWAM and the World Prayer Centre for this prayer assignment, and especially that YWAM had 2 observers accredited to the Blue Zone who were able to be our ‘eyes and ears’ observing, hearing and sensing what was going on all over the SECC building, not just in the main conference hall.  We pray a blessing over YWAM that they will go from strength to strength, especially in Scotland, as they train and equip young folk from around the world to reach their generation, and all generations for Jesus.

COP26 21 Days of Prayer

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