New Planting
Stuart Watt answers questions about Mintlaw Community Church
Stuart, why are you planting a church?
The Lord spoke powerfully to me in a vision around 12 years ago, and I believe that God has called me to help establish His kingdom through-out the rural communities of the north-east.
I returned from Yorkshire with my wife and family in January 2012 to begin reaching into the heart and corners of our native Buchan – an area of traditional fishing villages and towns on the coast and farming communities inland.
Why Mintlaw?
When I see this village, I don’t just see the nearly 3,000 that are in it; rather I see the potential for the whole area. There are plans to double Mintlaw’s population and it is already a natural hub for the many surrounding villages because of its secondary school.
How did you begin?
Sent by Rotherham Pentecostal Church, and supported in various ways by them and AOG Central -Fraserburgh, in January we began a mid-week prayer meeting. As al-ways, prayer is fundamental in the process of seeking God’s will, insight and blessing. Also, of course, we need to be exercised in prayer in or-der to see breakthrough. In each of the 7 days prior to the launch on Easter Sunday of “Mintlaw Community Church”, we prayer-walked around the outside of the village.
Since you started, what have you been doing?
An Alpha course, barbeques for fellowship and outreach, Easter egg hunt, a kids’ week, an outdoor inter-denominational worship event and monthly prayer-walking. We have started 2 connect groups, a weekly kids’ club, and of course a service each Sunday at 2pm.
What have you seen happening?
We have seen Christians come out of isolation, people make first time commitments and at least two people recommit themselves to the Lord. We are already equipping many of these with a view to reaching out to more communities in the area.Of around eight first time commitments we have seen so far, five of these individuals are now committed active members of the fellowship. In July we baptised six people in a local river. Four primary schools which feed into Mintlaw Academy have allowed us to do assemblies, and we are also delighted to be developing a positive relationship with the Academy.
What are you looking to see happen?
For Mintlaw to become a spiritual hub, a place of strength, stability and fellowship, serving as a saving and sending station, a mission station for the surrounding parts of Buchan. What is amazing is how God began to outwork these truths pretty much as soon as we got here!
Please pray with us
for God’s wisdom in the development of the vision He has given us.
for God’s help in the development & release of leaders.
for God’s wisdom/provision in acquiring property for my own family’s accommodation.
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