Pray For Scotland

Prayer Spaces in Schools – Story from Printed Newsletter Autumn 2011

Prayer Spaces in Schools

continues to spread in Ayrshire, with a number of both secondary and
primary schools hosting or preparing to host a Prayer Space. These Prayer Spaces provide an ideal means of allowing children and young people to develop the four capacities contained in the Curriculum for Excellence(successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors). 

They do this by making many of the experiences and outcomes contained in the curriculum accessible for all ages and stages, but also by giving children and young people an opportunity to explore spirituality, to ask the “Big Questions”, to consider for themselves what it means to be a person of faith. You can read the latest stories from schools all over the UK by going to: 
If you are interested in finding out more about 24-7 Prayer or Prayer Spaces in Schools ,
contact Debbie Meehan at:

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