I encourage people to respond positively to the call of national Church leaders to join with their fellow Christians throughout Scotland in making St Andrew’s Day on Sunday 30th November a day of prayer and reflection. These are tumultuous times through which the world is passing and the “fallout” affects us all, especially the most vulnerable in our world. As God’s people, we need to bring all our concerns to Him and seek His wisdom and help.
Bill Slack – General Director, Baptist Union of Scotland
“The Leaders and Representatives of Scotland’s Churches encourage our church communities and all people in Scotland to celebrate St Andrew’s Day this year as a day of prayer and reflection in which we will hold the principles of social justice and the difficulties facing the nation and world in our hearts and prayers in faith and hope before God.”
This statement was issued on the occasion of the meeting of church leaders and representatives with the First Minister, Thursday 9 October 2008.
“Our national day provides a great opportunity for all of Scotland’s people to reflect on the kind of society we are and where we aspire to be. At this time of global difficulties I welcome the call for St Andrew’s Day to be celebrated with prayer and reflection. This is something which can unite all of us in Scotland, whatever our beliefs, and I for one will certainly take part.” – First Minister Alex Salmond
Attending: Major Alan Dixon (Salvation Army); Rev John Humphreys (United Reformed Church); Rev Alex MacDonald (Free Church of Scotland); Pamala McDougall (Religious Society of Friends), Rt Rev David Lunan (Church of Scotland); Rev Malcolm Muir (Congregational Federation); Rev Alex Murray (Associated Presbyterian Church of Scotland); HE Keith Patrick; Cardinal O’Brien (Roman Catholic Church); Rev Bill Slack (Baptist Union of Scotland); Rev Lily Twist (Methodist Church).