Pray For Scotland

Report from South Uist:

During the past months our church has been studying the amazing book of Daniel.  I have been moved to tears in studying Daniel’s Prayer.  Initially he pours out his heart in confession of the sin’s of his nation. This leads onto a prayer of intercession, where he cries out to the Lord to have mercy on all the people and heal the land.

 “We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.  O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For your sake, O my God, do not delay because your city and your people bear Your Name.” Daniel 9:18b,19

 I pray that this would be our prayer not just here in the Uists but in our Nation. There has been concentrated prayer around centres of population by Lighthouses, as we are being led by the Lord.  We are very aware of specific areas needing much prayer.  Please stand with us. At Christmas our Church gave out to the wider community in Benbecula the booklet ‘trypraying’, especially written for people who may never have prayed.  We are praying that we will see the fruit of this gift. We have had a follow-up Youth With a Mission (YWAM) visit recently.  They worked with our Youth Clubs: Junior and Senior.  Praise God all of the Senior youth went forward for prayer on the last evening: some to renew commitments made on the last visit, some made faith commitments and some for prayer for families and personal needs.

 Please pray:

·       How we should disciple these young people: we are considering a Youth Alpha Course at a Youth Fellowship that will be starting in May.

·       For a Scripture Union Group to be started at Lionacliet School (Seniors). 

 Sylvia Norton

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