Your Kingdom come, Your will be done
Praying about the Referendum and for the nation
18th September 2014 will be an historic day for this nation. For the first time since the Acts of Union in 1707, Scotland will vote on whether to be an independent country or remain part of the United Kingdom.
Prayer gathering

To download a PDF of the poster and program click on this link Your Kingdom Come PDF final
The weekend’s theme is ‘Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done’, and there will be plenty of opportunities for prayer as we bring our nation before God and seek His will at this crucial time. Friday evening is an open, free event. There is a small charge for the Saturday to cover expenses.
Praying up to the Referendum
In 1706 the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland called the nation to pray and fast for the Queen (Queen Anne) and the two Governments (in Edinburgh and London), with the following statement in mind, ‘That all may be done to the glory of God and the good of Christ’s Church.’
300 years ago the Church played an important part by giving spiritual leadership, without taking sides, and there is the same if not a greater need today for the same leadership to be given by the Church in Scotland. While the ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ campaigns focus on the political, economic, social, educational and cultural issues, which are of course essential to the debate, as Christians we also care about the nation’s moral and spiritual climate. We have a responsibility to pray for our nation and its leaders at this crucial time.
A weekly email with prayer points is currently being sent out by the team who organised The Stand – the St Andrew’s Day of Prayer. From May onwards these will increasingly focus on the Referendum and what kind of nation we wish Scotland to be in the fu-ture. You can receive these prayer points by registering at Many are already using them as part of their own prayer times, or in their home groups or church prayer meetings. Could you and your church join in and add to the chorus of prayer rising up to God for the nation at this time?
Sunday 14th September will be an excellent opportunity for the Church throughout Scotland to pray about the vote – to pray ‘Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done!’ Ideas and suggestions about how you and your church can be involved are being finalised and will be circulated by letter, emails, via websites etc.
National day of prayer Plans are also being drawn up for a national day of prayer on Wednesday 17th September – a final opportunity before the vote, for the Church in Scotland to bring the Referendum and the future of Scotland before God. Suggestions on how you and your church can take part will be circulated widely.
Parliamentary Prayer Scotland (PPS), who pray for the Government and Parliament every Tuesday Parliament is sitting, will be meeting to pray in the Salvation Army centre in East Adam St., Edinburgh, starting at 10.00am on the 17th until 10.00pm on the 18th September. If you want to be part of this or wish more details about PPS contact Anne McIntyre at
If you are not already on the Pray for Scotland email list and want to receive details of any of these prayer initiatives, please visit our website and register your email address. With such a momentous decision before us we believe that prayer (and fasting for those who wish to) draws us closer to God and His will, so that, whatever the outcome may be, Scotland will be prayed into the next chapter of its history.

“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done!” ’
Alistair Barton
Pray for Scotland
You already know what is going on with my son. So if you can be pyinarg for him and us. Specifically be pyinarg that the bleeding on the outside of his brain would either be completely healed or the doctors would find the best solution to the issue. And that their would be no short or long term effects. Thank you bro.